Kambo: What to Know About Frog Medicine

Surprisingly—and rather promisingly for such a powerful psychedelic—the legality of peyote is often ambiguous. Something of a “little green chemical factory,” peyote contains more than 60 different alkaloids, many of which are at least potentially psychoactive to varying degrees, including tyramine, hordenine, pellotine, and anhalonidine. At this point, the more subjective, psychological effects take hold, reaching their peak two to four hours after consuming the cactus and gradually declining over the next eight to twelve hours. Peak effects are compared to those of LSD, and are known to profoundly alter one’s perceptions of self and reality, increase suggestibility, and intensify emotions. While some find peyote more sensual and less reality-shifting than LSD, others have trouble telling the difference. In ceremonial use, peyote is typically either chewed to release the active alkaloids or brewed as a tea.

It just so happens that these additions also ‘enhance’ the ayahuasca experience, and are sometimes offered by inexperienced ayahuasqueros wanting to serve up a strong trip to their unsuspecting gringo guests.. This is why it’s important to know beforehand exactly what you’re drinking and to have great trust in the individual leading the ceremony. All this is to say that one of the most important things to consider before taking ayahuasca is your mind-body state. Even though it has many healing effects, ayahuasca should not be regarded as a fix for serious medical or psychological conditions. It’s there to show you what’s wrong, to give you experience and insight into a better state of being; then it’s up to you to do the actual healing work. As discussed, even the standard ayahuasca brew can pose risks to people with a cardiovascular condition; one of the most common side effects of the brew is a substantial increase in heart rate and blood pressure.

Kambo holds incredible potential to support well-being, thought proper preparation and personal responsibility is crucial.

Mescaline also has a much longer history of use—and this goes for microdosing too. The (Rarámuri) Indians, for example, have used small amounts of peyote while hunting, allowing them to stalk deer for days on end without rest. Microdosing is the act of consuming sub-perceptual amounts of a psychedelic substance. Some enthusiasts also report that microdosing mescaline has helped them heighten their spiritual awareness and enhance their senses. Mescaline has also been shown to help people solve problems, access their creativity, be more environmentally conscious, and improve learning.

Need additional support to prepare or integrate an upcoming ceremony or retreat?

Make sure you’re physically and psychologically comfortable before you begin. Consider enlisting a trusted friend to remain sober and sit with you in case things take a turn. Setting refers to both the environment you’re in and the people who are there with you. A 2012 study suggests that psilocybin decreases activity in areas of the brain responsible for constraining your experience of the world and keeping it orderly. Mushrooms are usually dried and then eaten, steeped as a tea, or ground into powder that’s cooked into chocolates or placed in capsules.

Studies suggest, for example, that mescaline may increase blood flow and activity in the prefrontal cortex, the area of the brain in charge of planning, problem-solving, emotional regulation, and behavior. Low activity in this area is linked to depression and anxiety, leading scientists to hypothesize that mescaline could help alleviate symptoms of these disorders. A 2005 study into the ceremonial use of peyote among Native American populations found there to be no detrimental long-term effects. A healthy diet may prevent fibroid development and growth, but it is not known to shrink fibroids. Some home remedies may help manage fibroid symptoms but are not a cure. Prescription medications, surgeries, and specialist-driven procedures such as uterine fibroid embolization may effectively shrink fibroids.

Read more about Hapé here.

If you’re going to partake, know the potential risks and dangers, including illness and death, and take precautions to minimize your risk for serious complications. It’s recommended that kambo not be combined with other substances in the same session. Drink no more than 1 liter of water before kambo and up to a maximum of 1.5 liters of tea or water after.

Osmond had been investigating mescaline’s molecular similarity to adrenaline as well as its potential for treating mental illness and alcohol dependency. He supplied it to Huxley in 1953, who wrote The Doors of Perception about his mescaline trip the following year. In 1955, he administered mescaline to British Member of Parliament Christopher Mayhew as part of a BBC documentary. Unfortunately, while Mayhew described the effects in glowing, even mystical terms, the footage was never broadcast. Otherwise, both mescaline and peyote are strictly controlled as Schedule I substances.

They are often advised by ayahuasca retreat centers and facilitators to undertake a more reined-in form of the preparation regimen compared to what shamans would undergo during their training. However, to make the best of the experience and minimize the risks, a proper ayahuasca preparation should go well above and beyond honoring just dieting or La Dieta. If you follow the 6Ss of psychedelic use and avoid taking mescaline if you have a personal or family history of mental health issues, there appears to be very little chance of long-term psychiatric difficulties. Most users find mescaline personally or spiritually transformative, and many emerge with a lasting appreciation for the interconnectedness of all life in the universe, and of their role within it. Sometimes the mere thought of a separate identity can even seem “obscene.” Others feel a deep sense of gratitude and unconditional compassion for everyone and everything around them.